
  • Helping the Queens Parade Retailers Recover from COVID


    On 12 December 2020, Anastasia Morritt (Coquette Clothes) and I organised a one day Christmas Shopping Event for the Queens Parade Shopping Precinct. 30 Queens Parade retailers supported the Event. Joy Saunders from Yarra Council and other residents helped us. Argo Fishop Bean Around Cafe Birch Living Blondies Bristol Paint Cavallini Cafe Cellini Workshop Childplay…

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  • The Politics of Sport and the Sport of Politics with Angela Pippos


    Remember Angela Pippos from ABC TV? She’s now the Chief of Staff for Zoe Daniel (Independent Member for Goldstein). Great day at the Fitzroy Football Club listening to Angela share her story. We had a fascinating chat about how Independents contribute an important voice in Government. Recommend her book ‘Breaking The Mould’ as a great…

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  • Where Has The Interest Earned On $12.9M Gone?


    The Victorian State Government allocated $6.5M in 2018 and $6.3M in 2022 for the Brunswick Street Oval upgrade to build a new pavillion, new change rooms and new tennis courts. NOTHING has been built to date. I asked a question in the Council Meeting on 13 August 2024 about HOW MUCH interest was earned on…

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  • Helping The Fitzroy Football Club


    Sporting clubs like the Fitzroy Football Club keep our community healthy. They teach us how to cooperate as a team, compete for a common goal and deal with winning and losing. Unfortunately our sporting clubs need sponsors to function. Costs keep rising not the least of which is the cost imposed by Yarra Council for…

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  • Stopping the Yarra CEO Selling Community Assets


    Council proposed to expand the CEO power to sell Council assets. I asked a question at Council on 18 June 2024. The ABC News become interested in the story and I was interviewed. So what happened in the end? Council backed down. Community action works.

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  • Yarra Council To Add 22,000 Properties To New Flood Overlay


    Council believes that over 22,000 properties in Yarra is at risk of flooding from failing Council stormwater drains. Instead of investing in fixing the drain to reduce the risk to these homes, Council plans to re-zone these homes as subject to FLOOD RISK. HIGHER risk means HIGHER insurance costs. I made a submission at Council…

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  • Why I’m Running For Council


    We expect Councillors to make important decisions for the benefit of the community.Councillors from political parties are often forced to vote for party over community.Independents who live in their community don’t have that conflict.Fitzroy North has been a wonderful home for me and my family for over 20 years.I want it to have future.Yarra Council…

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